3 Things to Know Before an Induction
It is hard to find statistics on exactly what the induction rate is, but most of us working in the birth field agree that in this area it...

It is time to speak up!
Imagine you arrive at the hospital with your partner and your doula, and as you enter triage, the doula who has been supporting you at...

Is this the worst time of year to have a baby?
Expecting a baby around the holidays, can be especially tough. Not only is this one of the busiest times of year, but it comes with a...

Do I need a doula if... I want an epidural?
Doulas are known to be a great help for moms who want a unmedicated birth, but what if that is not what you are planning? A lot of...

Do I need a doula if... I take a childbirth class?
Welcome to the first of a blog series, "Do I need a doula if...?" As a doula, I highly encourage you to take a childbirth class. You...

The Doula Impact- why you want one on your birth team!
Research shows that doulas have a huge impact on your birth experience, including lowering your chance of a Cesarean and other...

How to Find the Best Chattanooga Doula For You!
You have done your research on the benefits and have decided to hire a doula, but how do you find the right doula for you? Here are...

3 Tips if you are planning an Epidural
While doulas are great at supporting moms who want to achieve a drug free birth, the fact is that most women still choose an epidural for...

I Couldn't Have Done It Without You!
These are words I often hear after a birth when mom has achieved her birthing goals. My initial response is YES, you could have because...

September Events
There are some great pregnancy and birth related events happening around Chattanooga this month. On September 5th at 6pm, Amanda from...