September Events
There are some great pregnancy and birth related events happening around Chattanooga this month.
On September 5th at 6pm, Amanda from Birth Chattanooga will be teaching the Comfort Measures class at Babies R Us. It's free and you can register here.

The Rally to Improve Birth is September 10th. The goal of the rally is to bring awareness to evidence-based care which improves outcomes for mothers and babies. The focus this year is VBAC, Vaginal Birth After Cesarean. The evidence shows VBACs are a safe option for mom and baby, but there are very few providers in our area who will support a VBAC. For more information on the event, click here.
On September 24th, the Chattanooga Birth Network is hosting a Community Meeting. This is for anyone wanting to improve birth in our area.

Also, that evening at 6pm, there will be a showing of the movie, Why Not Home?. The movie focuses on hospital birth workers who choose homebirth. More information on the event and how to purchase tickets can be found here.
Also, just a month away on October 1st, is Babypalooza. This is a free baby and maternity expo. Birth Chattanooga will have a table at this event and it looks like it will be so much fun!